Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Busy week what with life and stuff. The kids Fete was last weekend and they had a ball, I was so proud of Regan she stayed all day with her friends ... I hardly even saw her..... Nov 2nd was funny hat day hence those pictures and lastly my Aug in review.... I've got to stop leaving it so long between posts ... as I seem to loose track of what I want to say... I am going to try harder to blog at least twice a week otherwise I end up with photos from ages ago and stuff that is irrelevant..... so..... I suppose you should check back in 3 or four days and see how I'm tracking. Oh yeah we did archery at girl guides last week... check out the strain on her face... all the girls managed to get somewhere close to the target but I was the only one that managed to bruise my arm by not holding it right!!...

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